Deploying a Python-based Microservice Application on AWS EKS

Deploying a Python-based Microservice Application on AWS EKS


6 min read

"Unlock the power of AWS EKS with this step-by-step guide! Learn how to effortlessly deploy a Python-based microservice application on Amazon's Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), harnessing the scalability and efficiency of containers in the cloud. Dive into the essentials of seamless deployment, optimizing your workflow for a robust, scalable, and dynamic application environment."

Credits for Video Nasiullha Chaudhari

YouTube video:

GitHub Repo:

Articles Credit: Ajay Kumar Yegireddi

For EKS,IAM,Node creation via Script refer video by Ajay Kumar:

For Starting with we need to have some pre-requisite.

  1. AWS Instance-- Kindly go with t2.medium OS Ubuntu and Version would be 20.04 because its is stable version for kubectl.

  2. HELM

  3. AWS CLI

  4. Python

  5. Install kubectl

  6. Database: MongoDB and PostgreSQL

Once you done with creation of AWS instance installation of required package mentioned above you can wit creating of IAM role.

Created a EC2 Instances

IAM role creation

Click on Search filed, type IAM

Click on "Role"

Click on AWS Service

Search for "EC2" and Click on "Next"

Now, search of AdministratorAccess & select as seen on below image.

and Click on "Next"

On the Role name, give name as you require and

Click on Create Role

After creation of IAM role go to EC2 Instance

and follow the below step

Select instance --> Actions --> Security --> Modify IAM role

& click on Update IAM role.

Now you can connect to the server.

Once you login to the server you can fork the repo and make a clone of it by executing below command.

#git clone "repo url"

Check Version by executing below command.

# Check Versions
terraform -version
kubectl version --client --short
aws --version
helm version --short
python3 --version
psql --version
mongod --version
docker version

Now go inside Eks-terraform to provison Eks cluster with terraform files

Now you can see terraform files and make sure to change your region and S3 bucket name in the backend file.

Now initialize

Validate the code

Now let's see plan

Let's apply to provision by executing below command

#terraform apply --auto-approve

It take some time to complete the process. After completion there will be one EKS cluster, IAM role for EKS and Node Server will be created.

EC2 Instance:

EKS Cluster created

IAM Role:

Will update the Kubernetes configuration by executing below command

#aws eks update-kubeconfig --name --region

Let's go inside the Helm_charts

cd Helm_charts

Now go inside MongoDB and apply the k8s files

No execute the below command

kubectl get all

To check the Persistent volume

kubectl get pv

Then go to Postgres folder and edit the init.sql file

Enter your email and password

Apply the Kubernetes files using Helm

helm install postgres .

Let's see the pods and deployments

Add some rules to Node Server

Now copy the public IP of the Node group ec2 instance and execute below command.

mongosh mongodb://<username>:<pwd>@<nodeip>:30005/mp3s?authSource=admin
#username use nasi
#pwd nasi1234    #if you want to update them go to mongo secrets.yml file and update
#nodeip #use your node ec2 instance ip

Connect to the Postgres database and copy all the queries from the "init.sql" file.

Now add the init.sql file and Use your mail for values

CREATE TABLE auth_user (
    email VARCHAR (255) NOT NULL,
    password VARCHAR (255) NOT NULL

--Add Username and Password for Admin User
-- INSERT INTO auth_user (email, password) VALUES ('', '123456');
INSERT INTO auth_user (email, password) VALUES ('<User your mail>', '123456');

Now provide \d to see data tables

Now provide the below command to see the authentication user

Now go to RabbitMQ directory

And execute below command

helm install rabbit .

Now see the deployments and pods

kubectl get all

Now copy the public IP of the node group Ec2 instance


You will get this page Just login

username is guest
password is guest

This will the dashboard once you will login

Click on Queues

After Queue for Mp3 and Video it will show like this


Got to SRC directory as shown below

Go to directory as shown below

Now let's see whether it created pods or not

kubectl get all

Now come back to another Microservice and do the same process

And execute below command

kubectl apply -f .

Now come back to another microservice and do the same process

And execute the below command

kubectl apply -f .

Check for deployments and service

kubectl get all


Now let's create a Password for Gmail to get Notifications

Open your Gmail account in the browser and click on your profile top right.

Click on Manage your Google account

Now click on Security

Two-step verification should be enabled
If not, enable it

Now click on the search bar and search for the APP

Click on App passwords

Come back to Putty and update the secret.yaml file for notification service microservice

cd ../..
cd notification-service
cd manifest
sudo vi secret.yaml
#change your mail and password that Generated.

vi secret.yaml

apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: notification-secret stringData: GMAIL_ADDRESS: "" GMAIL_PASSWORD: "your generated password" type: Opaque

Now apply the manifest files

kubectl apply -f .

Now come to the assets directory

cd /home/ubuntu/microservice-python-app
cd assets
curl -X POST http://nodeIP:30002/login -u <email>:<password>

Copy the token and paste it inside a base 64 decoder you will get this

change JWT Token and node ec2 IP.

 curl -X POST -F 'file=@./video.mp4' -H 'Authorization: Bearer <JWT Token>' http://nodeIP:30002/upload

It will send an ID to the mail

Let's check the mail

Copy that ID and paste it inside the below command with the JWT token and fid

curl --output video.mp3 -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer ' "http://nodeIP:30002/download?fid="
#change Bearer with JWT token
#fid token at end

It will download an MP3 file

You can see it's created mp3 file and you can play it.

aws s3 cp your-file s3://your-bucket/your-prefix/

You can copy it s3 bucket and download and you can listen to it.


Now go inside Eks-terraform directory

To delete eks cluster

terraform destroy --auto-approve

It will take 10 minutes to delete the cluster

Once that is done
Remove your Ec2 instance and Iam role.

Thank You...!